45 days until the Breeders Cup ~

Are you ready ?

It's an International tailgate party with elegance. Designer dresses, heels, double breasted suits are the style for the box seats and upper decks.

Suit jackets, ties, and dresses are styling everywhere else except the infields. They're just enjoying the sport and enjoying being alive and out of 'lock down".

Aren't we all ?

Now is the time to order your favorite wines, liquors, mixers, party favors, elegant and unbreakable bar ware,finger foods,  and cordials if you're planning a Breeders Cup RSVP.  You will be just as busy in prepping as they are in the horse barns.

The trainers are adjusting a few things with each athlete. Trying this. Trying that. What worked in the past and tweaking it for each horse entered. Each athlete is different. Each horse is special.

Breeders are deciding whether to book that mare again to same stud, or try a new bloodline? Researching.  It's all a wait and see ~ it all depends on what unfolds at the Breeders Cup. It's a science, passion, and love of the breed. It's a love of the horse itself. The power of the athlete, the free spirit, and the raw emotions they invoke and inspire in us.

It's all about the horse.

The farms are winding down for the slower season (well, somewhat slower) with dragging pastures and paddocks, planting new trees, fixing and painting fences, reseeding pastures, weaning foals, worming and vaccinating ( if needed ) for Fall/ Winter.

The yearlings are slowly being started with ground work, and Sales prep for coming November Fall Sales. The young ones are learning their manners.  It's also time for the broodmares to being looked over again. Constantly observing the mares. It's all about the mares....

A lot to do before Breeders Cup.


Are you ready ? 45 days.


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